Why go to Church?
Finding the right local church is God’s will for your life. It is a vital part
of your spiritual development. The local church is like a puzzle and each member is a piece of the puzzle. In order for the
picture to come together each Christian must find the right church. When you find the right church, its a step in fulfilling
God’s plan and purpose for your life. It’s God’s will for you to get to know Him and grow in Him. God has
a perfect plan for your life and He needs you just as much as you need Him.
Why do I need to go to Church?
• To grow up spiritually. God wants you to grow up in Him. He wants you to know
Him, not just know about Him.
• In a time of crises, your pastor and church family will be there for you.
• It’s a place to fellowship and meet others of like faith.
• The church is a place where you’ll find your purpose in life.
• When Christians unite together, God does great things.
If you desire more in your life, get up and go to church. If you’ll make
the move towards God, He will not let you down but He will meet you. See you in church!
How To Find A Church Home
Connecting with a good local church is probably the most important thing a Christian
can do. Bouncing from church to church is not healthy for you, your family, or the church. It helps to have a clearly defined
process by which you can determine the best church for you to call home.
We must realize right away that you are never going to find the "perfect" church. It
doesn’t exist! Churches are made up of imperfect people - so although you may not be able to find the perfect church,
you can find the church that is perfect for you!
Ask yourself practical questions as you visit churches:
• Does the worship of the church satisfy your heart and genuinely inspire your
attention to Jesus Christ?
• Do you sense God’s Presence in the service?
• Are the sermons firmly based in Scripture and relevant to the things you face
in life?
• Can you agree with the basic doctrines they hold to, and can you be fed spiritually
at this church?
• Are there programs and/or activities designed for children and youth?
• Does the church offer activities that provide real substance and meaning for
developing your Christian life?
• Are there opportunities for building relationships with others in the church?
• Are you challenged to grow in your own personal relationship with the Lord?
• Do you see areas of service where your gifts and talents could be utilized?
• When attending, do you feel at home? Are the people loving and friendly?
• Pray and ask God to lead you to the right church, realize that God has a plan
for your life and being connected to a local church is part of His plan.
• Be open and willing to go where God leads you, even if it’s not exactly
what you had in mind.
Don't wander in the "church shopping wilderness" for too long! After visiting churches
and praying about it, make a decision to commit yourself to a local church. Once you make a decision to belong to a particular
church, jump in with both feet! Get involved in the church. Participate in the various programs they offer for membership,
new members, foundations classes, and serving opportunities. Take advantage of all that the church offers to you and your
family and give back to your church in your prayers, service and tithes. When you commit yourself to a church family, you’ll
find there is no place like home!